John Lewis, Leeds
The John Lewis department store is the anchor of the new Victoria Gate quarter, and located on the civic axis of Leeds, within direct lines of sight of City Hall.
Project Details +
Project Details
CLIENT: Hammerson and Sir Robert McAlpine
DATE: 2011-2016
STATUS: Complete
SIZE: 26.000m2
Credits +
Concept Design:
Julia Cano, Roberta Pari, Stefano Dal Piva, Marc Dufour-Feronce, Heidrun Schuhmann, Friedrich Ludewig
Detail Design:
Julia Cano, Friedrich Ludewig, Pablo Carballal, Peter Hofstetter, Sofia Steffenoni, Catherine Hennessy, Cristobal Bernal, Carlos de la Barrera
Construction Design:
Michel Bosauder, Friedrich Ludewig, Marcos Velascos, Andrea Collar Loyer, Stefano Dal Piva, Catherine Hennessy, Charles Pigott