Bath Riverside is one of the last areas available for regeneration in Bath, adjacent to the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city centre. The brief was for a mixed-use scheme including retail, offices, residential and live-work units.

Project Details +

Project Details

CLIENT: Confidential
DATE: 2011
STATUS: Invited Competition
SIZE: Site area 4.8 ha

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ACME: Nicholas Channon, Deena Fakhro, Stephen Harker, Friedrich Ludewig, Frederic Meurisse, Isabel de la Mora, Neil Sansom, Heidrun Schuhmann, Naiara Vegara, Keigo Yoshida

Various massing options and layouts for different site scenarios were explored to develop a sustainable strategy in response to the client’s brief and the council’s spatial masterplan. The site’s location within the boundary of the World Heritage Site, its proximity to some outstanding 18th century architectural ensembles and its relationship to the river Avon make this a highly sensitive environment.

The proposal frees up the station area to create a cluster of new buildings around the station hall to accommodate markets, offices and residential units, making best use of the river views. The incomplete Norfolk Crescent is completed, incorporating a new supermarket within a landscaped park.