60 Aldgate

60 Aldgate is a significant piece of architecture that is new but grounded into its London context - a greener, more sustainable building sensitively stitched into the City of London skyline.
Project Details +
Project Details
LOCATION: Aldgate, London
CLIENT: 4C Hotel Group / Rocket Properties
DATE: 2011 - ongoing
STATUS: Planning granted
USE: Commercial Office and Retail
SIZE: 33,285m²
Credits +
Concept Design:
Amanda Callaghan, Rodrigo Cañizares, Nicholas Chrysostomou, Anna Czigler, Ifigenia Dilaveraki, Paula Ibarrondo, Friedrich Ludewig, Eleni Meladaki, Daniel Ovalle Costal, Heidrun Schuhmann, Penny Sperbund, Luca Tesio, Keigo Yoshida
Planning: DP9
Landscape: Spacehub
Project & Cost Management: Arcadis
Daylight & Sunlight: GIA
Structural Engineer, Transport, Waste, Microclimate: WSP
MEP, Acoustics, Fire, Sustainability: Hoare Lea
Inclusive Design: David Bonnett Associates
Archaeology: MOLA