Chengdu, known as the ‘Country of Heaven’ and ‘The Land of Abundance’ is an ancient city with more than 2,000 years of human occupation in Western China. The scheme located by the inner Ring Road it creates a mixed-use development housing a new Metro supermarket, a shopping mall, two residential towers, a hotel and an office building.

Project Details +

Project Details

LOCATION: Chengdu, China
CLIENT: Metro & Feng Qing Feng
DATE: 2017
STATUS: Invited Competition
SIZE: site 115,000m2 (1,500 parking spaces, 9,000m2 office, 4,000m2 hotel, 33,000m2 residential)

Credits +


ACME:  Christoph Emenlauer, Kevin Leung, Loh Lizhi, Friedrich Ludewig, Sandy Rompotiyoke, Jack Taylor, Boni Yuen

To ensure continuous trading of the existing Metro, the first phase includes a new supermarket in the current car park area before demolishing the old one. The typology is inspired by the historical Chengdu city fabric, courtyard spaces are defined by individual blocks which create a meandering design public realm experience. The blocks are articulated in Chengdu local materials such as grey bricks, timber, and bamboo. Multiple bamboo roofs filter and control the internal light and atmosphere with different directions and sizes.

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