Amanda Callaghan
Senior Architect
Amanda graduated from the Royal College of Art, London in 2012 with an MA Architecture and completed her professional studies at the Architectural Association in 2015. Initially working at Squire & Partners and then at Will Alsop’s studio, she gained a broad range of experience internationally, working from Chongqing, China & the UK. Prior to joining ACME she worked in Melbourne, Australia on OSD Melbourne Metro at HASSELL. Amanda has gained experience working with timber in both design and construction in Australia and the UK.
Amanda joined ACME London in 2019 and is a Senior Architect. She is a leader within ACME’s Sustainability Task Group, responsible for producing ACME’s annual carbon audit and for skill sharing and championing best sustainable practice within all office projects.
Since joining Amanda has been part of the team on H1 Elephant Park, Southern Cross, 60 Aldgate, Umweltbank and Castle Square.